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Cost of podiatrist visit by state

The following estimated costs are based on cash prices that providers have historically charged on average for podiatrist visit and will vary depending on where the service is done. The prices do not include the anesthesia, imaging, and other doctor visit fees that normally accompany podiatrist visit.

StateName Average Cash Price
$73 - $108
$99 - $147
$82 - $123
$72 - $107
$90 - $135
$80 - $118
$87 - $130
$85 - $126
$84 - $125
$80 - $119
$75 - $112
$76 - $113
$74 - $110
$84 - $124
$76 - $113
$69 - $103
$72 - $107
$73 - $109
$82 - $121
$74 - $110
$87 - $129
$89 - $133
$82 - $122
$93 - $138
$74 - $110
$73 - $109
$76 - $113
$74 - $111
$79 - $117
$79 - $117
$96 - $142
$73 - $108
$90 - $134
$72 - $107
$80 - $119
$75 - $112
$80 - $119
$82 - $122
$85 - $126
$90 - $134
$77 - $114
$72 - $107
$72 - $108
$78 - $116
$81 - $121
$80 - $119
$78 - $116
$87 - $129
$78 - $116
$82 - $122
$80 - $119

Podiatrists are doctors that specialize in treating conditions of the feet and ankles. You may consider visiting a podiatrist if you have:

  • Foot or ankle pain
  • Foot or ankle swelling
  • Numbness or tingling in the feet
  • Open sores or wounds of the feet
  • Toenail problems
  • Gout or arthritis affecting the feet or ankles
  • Flat feet
  • Diabetes
  • Any injury of the foot or ankle
  • Bunions or corns
  • Calluses
  • Warts on the feet

During a podiatry exam, you can expect a thorough evaluation of your feet and ankles. The specialist will inspect your toenails and skin. They may watch you walk to see if foot problems affect how you move.

At your first appointment with a podiatrist, you’ll be asked questions about:

  • Your medical history
  • Any past surgeries
  • Symptoms you are experiencing
  • Family history
  • Health habits and activities you participate in

The podiatrist will examine your feet and lower legs. They’ll be looking at the shape of your feet and nails, blood flow and circulation, feeling, sensation, strength, and any areas of concern. After the examination, the podiatrist may recommend further testing like x-rays and a treatment plan.

To prepare for your podiatry visit, make sure you bring a list of your medications, past medical history, and a record of any surgeries you’ve had. You’ll want to wear or bring shoes that you usually wear when walking or exercising. Bringing a list of questions you have and the symptoms you are experiencing will help the podiatrist take care of you.

Podiatry visits are covered by most health insurance. If your policy does not cover a podiatrist, you’ll want to ask for a cash pay price quote. On average, a podiatry visit will cost between $50 to $300 per visit. The range will vary, depending on if treatments are done at the visit.

Most insurances will cover surgery to treat an ingrown toenail. You’ll want to check with your insurance plan to see if they cover the treatment before you visit a podiatrist.

* Savings estimate based on a study of more than 1 billion claims comparing self-pay (or cash pay) prices of a frequency-weighted market basket of procedures to insurer-negotiated rates for the same. Claims were collected between July 2017 and July 2019. R.Lawrence Van Horn, Arthur Laffer, Robert L.Metcalf. 2019. The Transformative Potential for Price Transparency in Healthcare: Benefits for Consumers and Providers. Health Management Policy and Innovation, Volume 4, Issue 3.

Sidecar Health offers and administers a variety of plans including ACA compliant and excepted benefit plans. Coverage and plan options may vary or may not be available in all states.

Your actual costs may be higher or lower than these cost estimates. Check with your provider and health plan details to confirm the costs that you may be charged for a service or procedure.You are responsible for costs that are not covered and for getting any pre-authorizations or referrals required by your health plan. Neither payments nor benefits are guaranteed. Provider data, including price data, provided in part by Turquoise Health.

The site is not a substitute for medical or healthcare advice and does not serve as a recommendation for a particular provider or type of medical or healthcare.