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Cost of maxillofacial surgeon visit by state

The following estimated costs are based on cash prices that providers have historically charged on average for maxillofacial surgeon visit and will vary depending on where the service is done. The prices do not include the anesthesia, imaging, and other doctor visit fees that normally accompany maxillofacial surgeon visit.

StateName Average Cash Price
$73 - $108
$99 - $147
$82 - $123
$72 - $107
$90 - $135
$80 - $118
$87 - $130
$85 - $126
$84 - $125
$80 - $119
$75 - $112
$76 - $113
$74 - $110
$84 - $124
$76 - $113
$69 - $103
$72 - $107
$73 - $109
$82 - $121
$74 - $110
$87 - $129
$89 - $133
$82 - $122
$93 - $138
$74 - $110
$73 - $109
$76 - $113
$74 - $111
$79 - $117
$79 - $117
$96 - $142
$73 - $108
$90 - $134
$72 - $107
$80 - $119
$75 - $112
$80 - $119
$82 - $122
$85 - $126
$90 - $134
$77 - $114
$72 - $107
$72 - $108
$78 - $116
$81 - $121
$80 - $119
$78 - $116
$87 - $129
$78 - $116
$82 - $122
$80 - $119

A maxillofacial surgeon performs various surgical procedures on your jaws, neck, face, and head. This includes oral surgery. Maxillofacial surgeons perform:

  • Wisdom tooth extraction
  • Oral reconstructive surgery
  • Jaw realignment
  • Tumor removal
  • Cyst removal
  • Dental implant surgery

Typically, you will only see a maxillofacial surgeon if your dentist refers you for treatment. Although some maxillofacial surgeons take patients without referrals, many only accept dentist referrals.

Additionally, most insurance companies will not cover your visit without a referral. Check with your health insurance provider to verify coverage before scheduling your appointment.

If you are experiencing wisdom tooth pain, having trouble sleeping, or have recently experienced trauma to your face, neck, jaw, or mouth, make an appointment with your dentist. Discuss your concerns and ask them to perform an oral examination. If they determine your issues require further treatment, they will refer you to a qualified oral surgeon.

During your initial maxillofacial surgeon consultation, your surgeon gathers information about your condition. During this conversation, you can ask your surgeon any questions about undergoing maxillofacial surgery and provide a medical and oral health history.

Your maxillofacial surgeon then examines your mouth, neck, or jaw. They may take X-rays, 3-D pictures, or digital imaging scans to diagnose the problem further. Finally, your surgeon discusses your diagnosis and provides you with treatment options.

Maxillofacial surgeons perform several procedures on a person’s face, jaw, neck, and oral cavity. Your maxillofacial surgeon can perform surgery to treat obstructive sleep apnea, treat TMJ disorders, reconstructive surgery, and cleft lip or cleft palate surgery. They can also perform facial cosmetic surgery and dental implant surgery.

Your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon when you require treatment beyond their qualifications. Dentists can perform minor procedures like cavity fillings, crowns or dental bridges, and simple tooth extractions. If you need a more in-depth approach or are struggling with a condition outside the scope of general dentistry, you will receive a referral for an oral surgeon.

Yes, a maxillofacial surgeon is a dental specialist who undergoes extensive training and schooling in the dentistry field. Maxillofacial surgeons earn a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) or Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), followed by a four-year surgical residency at a hospital.

A maxillofacial surgeon obtains board certification and licensure through their state.

* Savings estimate based on a study of more than 1 billion claims comparing self-pay (or cash pay) prices of a frequency-weighted market basket of procedures to insurer-negotiated rates for the same. Claims were collected between July 2017 and July 2019. R.Lawrence Van Horn, Arthur Laffer, Robert L.Metcalf. 2019. The Transformative Potential for Price Transparency in Healthcare: Benefits for Consumers and Providers. Health Management Policy and Innovation, Volume 4, Issue 3.

Sidecar Health offers and administers a variety of plans including ACA compliant and excepted benefit plans. Coverage and plan options may vary or may not be available in all states.

Your actual costs may be higher or lower than these cost estimates. Check with your provider and health plan details to confirm the costs that you may be charged for a service or procedure.You are responsible for costs that are not covered and for getting any pre-authorizations or referrals required by your health plan. Neither payments nor benefits are guaranteed. Provider data, including price data, provided in part by Turquoise Health.

The site is not a substitute for medical or healthcare advice and does not serve as a recommendation for a particular provider or type of medical or healthcare.